How to Make krengsengan Meat Recipes For a Soft and Delicious

How to Make krengsengan Meat Recipes For a Soft and Delicious

Recipes krengsengan Beef and mutton Along with Herbs and Tips on How to Make it So Soft and delicious. As we all know, protein is one of the substances that are needed by our body. Not only children are more infancy, adults and seniors was in dire need of these substances. One of the biggest sources of protein derived from beef or mutton. Yes, in addition to protein, meat-based recipes are also many provide calcium, iron and other important substances. Lots of beef recipes that can be created, one of which is krengsengan meat recipes. Recipe Beef krengsengan this probably is not so well known, but if the problem is not inferior to taste beef recipe others, like stew, rendang, curry, satay or the other. By using a special seasoning krengsengan plus also how to make krengsengan beef is also quite easy, recipe this time could be an option for friends who happen to get bored with the usual menu of dishes.

When viewed from the zoom, the recipe is quick krengsengan beef is very similar to the recipe beef stew betawi . Ingredients and seasonings krengsengan meat used is almost the same, only this time more simple recipes and the use of soy sweetness and fewer than beef stew recipe. In this meat krengsengan also use some chilies so slightly spicy flavor. If indeed the friends want to make a dish for children or family members who do not like spicy, the number of chilies used can be adjusted to taste. To create an krengseng tasty meat so that the result should be the meat used does not need to be washed with water so that the texture and flavor of meat can be maintained more comfortable and natural.
In addition to using beef, seasoning recipe below can also be used to create prescriptions krengsengan krengsengan chicken or goat. For those who want to try the mutton, goat meat do not forget to use soaked for a few minutes using the grated young pineapple make it more tender. Additionally goat meat should not be washed with cold water so the smell prengusnya not come out when we want to eat krengsengan goats. For more details, please see the ingredients and seasonings of what is needed to make krengseng meat recipes below.

Ingredients Recipe Beef Special krengsengan

  1. The main ingredient needed is beef that is still fresh of approximately 0.5 kg. Cut pieces of meat into cubes with size according to taste. Beef used does not need to be washed first because it will cause contamination and bacteria from the water inlet.
  2. Good quality shrimp paste of approximately 2 tablespoon. Not too much because it seems will be eneg.
  3. Fresh tomatoes medium large size of approximately 2 pieces. Rinse the tomatoes and chopped into several sections (vertical cut as much as 8-10 parts).
  4. Pieces of red pepper according to taste or approximately 3-4 pcs. Rinse and slice thinly cabainya little askew.
  5. Fruit green chili sauce to taste or approximately as much as 3-5 pcs. Rinse and slice oblique rawitnya chili to taste.
  6. Good quality thick soy sauce to taste or by about 5 tablespoons of course.
  7. The water is clean enough to boil a mixture of meat and meat recipes krengsengnya.
  8. Adequately iodized salt to taste.
  9. White granulated sugar to taste to taste.
  10. Fried chips and fried onions to taste as supplementary material.
  11. Taste vegetable oil or margarine for frying krengseng beef seasoning.

Special Meat Seasoning krengsengan

  1. Fruit cayenne pepper according to taste or approximately as much as 3-5 pcs. Can be added or subtracted according to taste.
  2. Pepper powder or powder to taste as much as 0.5 or less a small spoon.
  3. Fresh red chilies to taste or approximately 3-4 pcs.
  4. Shallots are small medium size of approximately 3 cloves. Peel the outer skin and then cut into sections for easy time to be smoothed.
  5. Local garlic medium large size of approximately 2-3 cloves. Liuar onion peel and cut into pieces.

How to Make Beef Krengseng Easier and Faster

  1. The first step to prepare a pot and give enough water (until all the pieces of meat submerged in water). Cook until the water boils.
  2. After the water boils enter beef to be used. Remove dirt and foam coming out. After a rather soft power off and discard the water.
  3. While waiting for the beef used cooked, puree in a way diuleg garlic, onion, chili, red chili powder and pepper.
  4. Prepare a frying pan over medium heat a little and put some oil or margarine to taste.
  5. Enter seasoning krengseng already dihalusknan marinade over and stir stir until fragrant smell typical tumisannya.
  6. Enter the beef was boiled before then stir stir again and cook until the spices to infuse and beef changes color.
  7. Enter soy sauce, iodized salt to taste, sugar and shrimp paste. Stir stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
  8. Enter the appropriate sleera white pepper and water to taste (of approximately 100 ml) and stir stir again.
  9. ADD tomatoes and peppers that have been previously cut dopotong stir stir again.
  10. Cook and simmer until the meat is really tender.
  11. Add salt, pepper and sugar if necessary before the flame is turned off and lifted the dish.

    Good Luck

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